Monday, November 23, 2009

Some musings on morality (all mine)

If you hurt others, they will hurt you.

Ideologies just get people killed.

You're better off doing what you think is right, emphasis on "think"

as in don't just do what you've been programmed to do.

You are more than just the memes you've been infected with.

Why are you listening to an Aspergarian biology student from Wisconsin?

Seriously, who are you?


Jeweler Mom said...

You say "Ideologies just get people killed." But what about pacifist ideology?

ZarPaulus said...

Pacifism is just impractical, mom.

Robin Morrison said...

"Why are you listening to an Aspergarian biology student from Wisconsin?"

One reason is I have a character in my novel-in-progress who is some kinds of AS-ish and is throughly dedicated to catching the quasi-immortality extended life wave.

But mostly becaue I like thinky people.